The Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales are a Catholic religious group founded by Pierre-Marie Mermier in Annecy (France) in 1838. In 1845, nearly seven years later, the first Missionaries started their mission in India. The community grew considerably especially in the last 50 years. With more than 1300 members,95 % come from India.We are in more than 30 countries engaged in pastoral work,ethical, technical and vocational education,school education,social work including the care of women, orphans and street children,youth work and research of alternative medicine.
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Our Fransalian Institutions

Education is a liberative and empowering process. It is a liberation
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Our Vison

A holistic society of compassionately human,spiritually enlightened
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Our Mission

To provide a conducive atmosphere for intellectual development
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Educational Apostolate

Education of the youth is in the foundational vision and of the
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FEF-R consists of the councilors and the secretaries of education forum of
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